Weekly Vegetable Box Scheme

Sign up to our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Scheme and receive a weekly Vegetable Box in 2025 containing a spectacular array of hand-picked vegetables, 100% of which are naturally grown right here on our farm in Kilballyowen, Bruff, Co.Limerick. V35PW14.
What is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)?
By definition, Community Supported Agriculture is a partnership between a group of people and a farmer. Members receive a share in the CSA when they commit to pay an agreed fee to the farmer for the duration of a season, and in return they get healthy, local food produced in an agroecological way.
This is the first scheme of its kind available in Ireland that uses ancient Korean Natural Farming methods - which take advantage of indigenous microorganisms to produce fertile soils that yield high output without the use of herbicides or pesticides - that we practice to grow our much sought after produce.
In 2025, the scheme will provide as many as 50 local (members/families) with a weekly haul of freshly picked seasonal and restaurant quality ingredients.
“I'm extremely excited to finally be in a position to bring my knowledge and expertise to local families throughout the county of Limerick. Farming is one of the most noble professions and with it comes a responsibility to produce vegetables that not only look and taste good but are also nutritious and healthy. We have lost our connection to our food sources and I aim to bring that connection back, in some small way, to families right here in Limerick. Korean Natural Farming allows me to bring balance into my soil and help replenish the nutrients lost from producing crops.” - Kevin Wallace, Founder of New Leaf Urban Farmers
What will my Vegetable Box include?
Families and individuals signing up and committing to support the scheme will receive an assortment of restaurant quality groceries that will change each week based on the seasonality of ingredients.
A typical box would have approximately some or all of the following:
Mixed salad, spinach, radishes, carrots, Japanese turnips, beetroot, kale,
baby leeks, spring onions, broccoli, and herbs.
July - October
Similar to June but with Cherry tomatoes, peas, French beans, cucumbers, cauliflower,broccoli, basil, potatoes, onions, Roscoff onions, garlic, Black garlic and courgettes.
What will I do with all this produce? I don't want to end up throwing things away!
Each week we will have recipes to match each box, with tips and tricks on how to make the most of your box with little or no waste.
How much does it cost?
Our Vegetable Boxes range in price from €12.50, €25.00 and €35.00 per week depending on your individual requirements and the size of your household.
What size vegetable box would suit my household?
We offer three different sized vegetable boxes:
Size 1 = €12.50 (would do someone who has a planted-based diet or for a couple)
Size 2 = €25.00 (for a household of 4)
Size 3 = €35.00 (for a household of 5 or more).
Do you deliver or is it a collection service?
There is a collection service directly from our farm in Kilballyowen on a weekly basis for a period of five months (22 Weeks), starting in June and running until the end of October 2025.
Two more drop-off points are:
1).City Centre: Rift Coffee Upper Mallow Street.
2). Nature's Hand in the Crescent Shopping Centre.
Once we have reached full subscription levels, delivery days and times will be arranged to suit people's requirements. We may divide up the CSA scheme into a number of groups so that it is as flexible as possible.
How do I become a Member for 2025?
In order to sign up to the scheme and secure your membership spot, we require you to pay 50% up front with the remainder to be paid in June 2025.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): is a community based approach to growing food. It is a contract between farmer and their community member to share the farm's produce.
We often, as farmer's, take loans out at the beginning of the year to buy seeds, tools etc to begin the season. Rather than going to the banks we ask the community to pay a portion upfront. This allows us to just concentrate on what we are meant to do and that is grow vegetables. By facilitating us in this way it provides a great start to the season and also means we do not have to approach lending institutions. This is a different way of looking at sourcing your vegetables and has been a very long, stable economic model for many farms in the UK, USA and Canada. We in Ireland are beginning to the see the virtues of connecting with our local farmers/producers. It not only provides security for farming families it allows us to farm in a natural way, free from nasty chemicals.
Moreover, for you the customer, you will become part of a growing food movement in Ireland. Food security and food sovereignty is becoming a more and more important topic with the onset of political and economic insecurity. We only have to see what is happening with Brexit and also the pandemic to see how dependent we are with imported food. We need to become more self-sufficient as a country as we are blessed with a long temperate growing season. There are very few countries in the world that produce food like Ireland has the potential to.
So, when do we pay the remaining 50%?
The second and final payment is due in June 2025.
Anyone wishing to make a payment should email newleafurbanfarmers@gmail.com to request our bank transfer details.
Other Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
To register an interest in becoming a member, please email us at :